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What is Volume Hiring?

Lead consultant at Test Partnership, Ben Schwencke, explains volume hiring.

0:48 Quickly understand what volume hiring means.

Volume hiring refers to the process of recruiting a large number of candidates for a specific role or roles within an organisation. This type of hiring is often used when a company is expanding rapidly, or when there is a high turnover rate in a particular department or role.

Volume hiring is also very common in emerging talent recruitment, such as graduate or trainee schemes, as a large number of applicants can be expected per-role.

Volume hiring is made easier and more effective through the use of automation, particularly using applicant tracking systems (ATS) and / or online psychometric assessments. For example, an aptitude test can be used to assess a candidate's cognitive abilities, such as their ability to problem-solve, think critically, and learn new information. A personality test can be used to assess a candidate's soft skills, such as their ability to work well in a team, their leadership potential, and their ability to handle stress. By automating the short-listing process, organisation can save considerable time, effort, and resources on volume hiring campaigns, while also reducing the time to hire and improving the quality of the candidates.